Monday, 30 April 2012

Mission Orang Utan!

A quick side note before I start; growing up I was ape about all things monkey. I had books, stuffed animals and a huge poster of a baby orangutan at the end of my bed. All grown up and mature (ha!) I had forgotten about my love until coming to Asia, the only place these primates exist. So we went on a mission to see the Orang Utans...
To say we were lucky in our endeavor is an understatement, a horse shoe up our tail pipe is more accurate. Our first attempt to see the ginger apes was at the Sepilok Orang Utan Rehabilitation Center. All orangutan's arrive at the center as orphans; are cared for and then slowly weaned off food and human contact until eventually the orang utan's just leave the facility on their own and go into the wild. One of the feeding platforms is open to the public and the ornag utans that come to feed are considered half wild. Before going to the facility we talked to other travelers many reporting seeing one ornag utan and the center does not grantee you'll see any as they  come on their own accord.

We attended the morning feeding and saw four orangutans! One, a younger ape, was curious and came really close. There were a lot of people trying to get his picture and I budged (normally I am more polite but certain circumstances require a little pushiness) my way to the front to get a close look, he was amazing! They stuck around a good hour either playing on ropes or eating the fruit provided. As if that wasn't good enough we also attended the afternoon feeding, there was a quarter of the people and a mamma orangutan and her baby showed up as well as a wild male (I would not want to tick this guy off, 4X stronger than a human male!) who was pursuing one of the center's females. Absolutely beaming from the whole experience we decided to try our luck at seeing these great creatures in the wild and headed into the jungle to the town of Sukau.

After arriving and luckily bumping into a lone traveler who needed two people accompany her on a boat trip we made a afternoon river cruise with an excellent guide. On the trip we saw rare birds and lots of macaque monkey's. We were thrilled to find a group of Proboscis monkeys and were even lucky enough to spot a male with his huge schnoz. These creepily human like monkeys are only found in Borneo. Content with all we saw we headed back to our hotel but our boat suddenly made an abrupt turn to the bank, up in the tree was an orangutan! He was making his nest fort he night and we saw his long arms reaching up to grab branches. Further down the river a mom with her baby! Our guide says he takes real enthusiasts days at a time with no luck so we struck the jack pot with this one.

Now remember what I told you about the horseshoe.  We did a second boat trip early the next morning, content with all we saw the evening before we were just happy to be out on the water.  What we say was Proboscis monkey closer than our guide had ever seen them, a four meter black and yellow croc (not the season to be seeing crocs) and....wild elephants!!!! When our guide started laughing and told us there was elephants in the trees I though he was joking, no way we were that lucky. But sure enough, in the trees was a wild pigmy elephant and her baby. It was amazing we, loved it and couldn't wipe the smile of our faces the rest of the day. We left the jungle to the city of Sandakan and to wind down from all the excitement we enjoyed high tea at a cafe overlooking the sea.

R  (Don't forget to click photos to enlarge...hidden elephant!)

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